Declaration | Understanding the Hazards of Outdoor Activities
Note: The lake is currently under maintenance, please opt for lake activities at your own discretion.


I understand that, being outdoor has its own charm. However, it also brings its share of hazards. It is Important that even though the best equipment is involved and all logistics and safety measures being taken care of participants and their parents/guardians must be aware of the many possible hazards in undertaking any adventure activity; these include, but are not limited to:

  • Sudden change in, and extremes of weather conditions;
  • Natural Calamities like Land Slides, Floods, Avalanches;
  • Fall on Steep or difficult terrain, that is dangerous or difficult to negotiate, including dense bushes, rough and slippery ground including sand and rock;
  • River Crossings
  • Getting Lost in Remote Or inaccessible areas;
  • Encounters With Wildlife;
  • Bites from insects and reptiles;
  • All other risks, Hazards and dangers associated with all outdoors activities;
  • Discomfort due to travel to and from activities;
  • Failure of adventure and other equipments.

The following events and conditions can contribute to the inherent risks of the activities;

  • Inappropriate or inadequate equipment or clothing;
  • Poor Or inadequate physical fitness or health;
  • Failure to obey the direction of instructors or leaders Or Facilitators;
  • Failure to exercise good judgement Or due care and attention;

The best way to minimize such risks is to be conscious of them and act pro-actively. Keep learning at every opportunity and leave all ego at home. Enjoy the Outdoors for yourself, never for anyone else's opinion. It is Understood that for the safety of all members of team, every participant must be committed to the highest standards of safety and responsible behavior. Failure to do so could result in immediate removal from the activity in question. All instructions detailed by the leader/Instructor/facilitator must be adhered to at all times.

I declare that I am Medically fit and participating in the programme, perfectly aware of the risks involved. I further declare that Area 83 and any persons authorised by the above mentioned Organization in this behalf shall not in any way be liable to me Or to my dependents, legal heirs, successors Or to any other persons for any loss, damage, disability or Injury sustained by mefor death resulting from my participation in the above mentioned programme.